The following table briefly outlines the major features of Productivity! along with the CUA shortcuts to them. For a detailed description of these features please see Productivity! Tools .
If you use Professional or Enterprise edition of JBuilder, you are able to customize these shortcuts by using either Editor Options | Editor | Keymap | Customize... or IDE Options | Browser | Keymap | Customize ... dialogs. All the Productivity! shortcuts are placed in the Productivity! group.
Action | Tool | Result |
Ctrl+Alt+Space / Ctrl+Alt+H | Class.Insight |
Invokes the Class.Insight popup window that allows finding the required class by the short class name criteria, and inserting it in the cursor position. |
Ctrl+Minus |
Browse.Insight | Invokes the Browse.Insight popup window that allows finding the required class by the short class name criteria, and browsing it or the appropriate help topic. |
Alt+Minus |
Browse.Members |
Invokes the Browse.Members popup window that allows finding a member that belongs to the current context. |
Shift+F1 | Help.Insight |
Invokes the Help.Insight popup window containing the help for the identifier under cursor. |
Alt+F1 | Help.Insight.OnMember | Invokes Help.Insight popup window containing the help for the member (either method or class) in the current context. |
Ctrl+Alt+I | Implement.Insight | Invokes the Implement.Insight popup window that allows implementing required class found by the short class name criteria. |
Ctrl+M | Override.Insight | Invokes the Override.Insight popup window that allows selecting and overriding methods. |
Ctrl+Shift+M | Constructor.Insight | Invokes the Constructor.Insight popup window that allows selecting and overriding class constructors. |
Ctrl+Q | Context.Insight | Invokes the Context.Insight popup window that shows the full context path to the cursor position. |
Alt+I | Smart.Instantiate | Invokes the Class.Insight popup window that allows finding the required class by the short class name criteria, and instantiating it in the cursor position. |
Ctrl+Mouse_Move | Hyperlinks.Navigate | Invokes the navigation hyperlink that allows displaying and browsing symbol information. |
Alt+Mouse_Move | Hyperlinks.Help | Invokes the help hyperlink that allows showing the Help.Insight window or browsing the help topics. |
Ctrl+D |
Easy.JavaDoc |
Invokes the tool that adds the JavaDoc templates for methods and classes based on the information about them in the cursor position. |
Ctrl+Shift+D |
Easy.JavaDoc.Insight |
Invokes the tool that adds the JavaDoc templates for the selected methods and classes. |
Alt+Shift+A |
GetSet.Create |
Invokes the tool that allows generation of accessors and mutators for the selected fields. |
Alt+Shift+S |
GetSet.Create |
Invokes the tool that allows generation of mutators for the selected fields. |
Alt+Shift+G |
GetSet.Create |
Invokes the tool that allows generation of accessors for the selected fields. |
Alt+Enter | Assistants | Forces the Assistant popup invocation that shows information about the particular issue or list of possible actions to complete (resolve) it. |
Alt+Shift+V | Smart.Clipboard.Insight | Invokes Smart.Clipboard.Insight which allows selecting code fragments from the local clipboard list and pasting them to the document. |
Ctrl+Shift+Insert | Smart.Clipboard.Swap | Swaps the content of the clipboard with currently selected block of code. |
Ctrl+Alt+Insert | Smart.Clipboard.PopPaste | Consecutively pops and pastes of code fragments from the local clipboard history in the LIFO order. |
Alt+Shift+N | Navigator.Insight | Invokes the Navigator.Insight which allows selection of an object to navigate. |
Ctrl+Page Down | Navigator.Next | Selects the next Navigator object. |
Ctrl+Page Up | Navigator.Previous | Selects the previous Navigator object. |
Ctrl+\ | Find.Matching.Brace | Navigates to the brace that match one at the caret. |
Ctrl+Shift+\ | Find.Matching.Code | Navigates to the code that match one at the caret. |
Ctrl+W | Expand.Selection | Expands current selection incrementally to outer source element. |
Ctrl+Shift+W | Narrow.Selection | Narrows current selection incrementally to inner source element. |
Not assigned | Select.CodeBlock | Selects the code block at the caret. |
Not assigned | Select.Statement | Selects the statement at the caret. |
Not assigned | Select.Method | Selects the whole method at the caret. |
Not assigned | Select.Class | Selects the whole class at the caret. |
Alt+Shift+M | Delegate.Insight | Invokes the Delegate.Insight that provides an easy way to generate methods, which implementations are delegated to another object (delegate). |
Alt+Shift+C | Introduce.Constructors | Invokes the Introduce.Constructor that allows easy generation of constructors intended to initialize appropriate fields of the class. |
Alt+Shift+B | Persistent.Bookmarks.Navigate | Invokes the Persistent.Bookmarks.Navigate popup which allows navigation to bookmarks. |
Ctrl+J | Smart.Templates.Expand | Expands template with the name corresponding to the name at the caret or invokes the Templates.Insight to choose template to expand. |
Ctrl+Shift+J | Smart.Templates.ExpandLast | Expands last used template. |
Alt+Shift+J | Smart.Templates.ExpandOnTheFly | Expand template which definition is based on the currently selected text block. |
Ctrl+Alt+Enter | Local References Highlight | Finds local references of the symbol under caret and highlights them. |
Ctrl+Alt+L | Task List | Shows Task List |
See also: Productivity! Shortcuts